Third successful weekend in a row for Rafe – His hard work and dedication is really paying off and being on Team NORA CRS is working wonders!

Round 2 of the British Cup took place at the mighty Culham, for the weekend of 15/16 June 2024.

Saturday was qualifying plus 2 races. Rafe had spent the week preparing, excited for round 2 and to catch up with the NORA CRS team.

The aim for the weekend was to stay inside the top 10 and after qualifying, Rafe ranked 10th. Which was a little disappointing but might have been down to the fact, there was no one to race against and speed up the lap times. 

Stephen Sword was on hand to offer help and guidance, which was really encouraging and helped a lot. He gave some top tips, which definitely helped over the weekend. 

Race 1 – Mid-pack start, the sand on the start line bogged the bike a little, leading to a slight delay, but the bike soon picked up and Rafe thundered along the straight and around the bend. He battled hard with a few riders who were keen to progress, a good solid ride from Rafe and he crossed the finish line in 7th. Such a smooth and consistent ride, Rafe stayed on the bike for the entire race.

Race 2 – Not the best start, a slight delay over the gate, but Rafe soon made up the difference and settled inside the top 10. The track was getting rough, with some deep ruts, but the last few weeks of riding helped and they did not phase Rafe in the slightest, whereas they caught a few of the riders out throughout the race. The plan prior to the weekend was to hit the jumps hard and make up time where possible. Rafe was jumping the large table top at the bottom well, and by more than a bike length of some of his competitors. A good solid ride, Rafe finished 8th. 

Day 1 done! A top day in the sand and ready for day 2.

Race 3 – Again not the best start, but quickly settled into a smooth rhythm. The riders from day 1 were clearly more experienced with the conditions and Rafe fought hard throughout the race, banging bars with a few riders which did not alter his focus. Glued to the bike, he crossed the line with a very well deserved 8th.

Race 4 – Last race of the weekend; focus Rafe, you could be in with a chance of some prize money. A better start Rafe’s goal was to be consistent, he was sitting comfortably in 7th, 2 riders were behind him keen to get passed, but Rafe held them off for the majority of the race. 7/8/9th place were pushing each other and catching those riders in 5/6th place. Unfortunately, keeping a tight line caused the front end to wash out and Rafe dropped the bike. Quick as a flash he was up and going again, but the 2 riders closely behind had passed. The crash only cost him 2 places and Rafe crossed the line in 9th.

What a fantastic weekend, Rafe’s progression is a pleasure to watch. He finished round 2 with a 6th overall and it was very well deserved.
