All geared up for the final round of the NORA 92 British Cup at Marshfield for Rafe Symons

After a blistering hot week Rafe headed to Marshfield for the 3rd and final round of the NORA 92 British Cup at Marshfield, entering the weekend 4th in the Championship in the Small Wheel 85cc class.

Rafe had an interrupted night’s sleep and woke on Saturday feeling very tired, ill with severe throat pain, struggling to take deep breaths, we assured him he didn’t have to ride, however, Rafe being Rafe, decided he wanted to take part and not miss the opportunity to win some prize money.

Overcast with a slight breeze, the scorching temperatures of the week had abated and conditions we perfect for a track walk with NORA CRS Development Team coach, Stephen Sword. Walking the track with team mates certainly helped preparations but Rafe was subdued because of the viral infection.

Rafe understood the need for fast lap times in such a talented line up, after a few sighting laps, he went full pelt and secured 5th in qualifying with a best lap time of 2:01.868.

Saturday Race 1

Epic ride, Rafe had ridden Marshfield many times but there were some small changes to the track which he took in his stride, getting a great start and opening up the throttle fully on the straights enabled him to end the race in 6th place.

Saturday Race 2

After managing some nutrition and fluids Rafe was feeling worse as the day wore on, the long wait between races was spent resting. Rafe was having a terrific race considering, but dropped the bike in the corner just before the whoop section and although got back on in no time, finished the race in 10th place.

Sunday Race 1

After another unsettled night Rafe’s condition had worsened and he decided he couldn’t ride, but as he saw his teammates and others getting ready for their practice, he changed his mind, the lure of riding will always win for Rafe. Race 1 saw him get a less than a perfect start, but he managed to make his way through the pack and perfected the whoops section even overtaking there to come home in 7th place.

Sunday Race 2

Another mid pack start meant Rafe had work to do, he overtook a number of riders and settled into a good pace and rhythm, his attack on the whoops was spectacular, the bike seemed to hover above the track, it looked effortless. The tricky corner with the uphill ski jump which had slowed and troubled most riders in every race got the better of Rafe and he stalled it. He was pretty much depleted of all energy by this point but retrieved the bike to continue quickly losing a couple of places, ending the race in 10th place.

Rafe finished the weekend 7th overall and finished 4th overall for the NORA 92 British Cup championship. We’re convinced if he’d not been poorly all weekend, that he could have rivalled the top 5 and been on the podium. What it showed us was the sheer grit and determination he has. Even when crying from the pain of his throat, he still got on the bike and did his absolute best.
