Overall Win For Rocket Rafe at Rushwick

Having recovered from COVID, we headed to Rushwick for Round 9 & 10 of the Cotswold Youth MX Championship. The weather forecast looked great for the weekend and the track had been well prepped.

The small wheels (SW) and big wheel (BW) groups were combined to make a healthy line up of 33 riders. Rafe had spent the week preparing mentally and physically for the weekend and was excited for some bike time. Soon Saturday arrived and Rafe headed to the line for practice. Bike and rider were on good form and we were excited to see what the weekend had in store.

Race 1 – Rafe was calm on the start line, keeping an eye on the track and his focus on the first corner. With 33 riders to compete with, starts would be key this weekend. Rafe got a cracking start and exited the first corner with the leading pack, as the riders thundered up and around the hill and across the two table tops, Rafe pushed forward and settled nicely into the race. He flowed effortlessly around the track, cool, calm and collected. He was leading the SW race and was coached by dad to maintain the position, use his head and Rafe crossed the line in first place for SW and 5th in the combined. Fantastic Result Rafe.

Race 2 – Another cracking start, however on the third lap, the front wheel washed out in a corner and Rafe hit the deck. He was up quickly and had the rest of the race ahead of him, he worked hard to catch the riders that had passed him, hunting them down and making well executed passes, wow, it certainly had our pulses racing. Rafe crossed the line second place and again 5th in the combined. When Rafe is in hunter mode, it’s exhilarating to watch.

Race 3 – With the Cotswold Championship in mind, consistency was key to this weekend. Rafe was battling hard with a BW rider, who was pushing Rafe to his limits, both riders were changing lines taking the inside and outside to try and pass one another. Rafe made a clever and well educated decision to let the rider pass, and put some distance between the two. By doing so, the risk of a crash was lessened and Rafe crossed the line again in first place, winning the overall for Saturday. Rafe was congratulated on his mature decision and the race win was well deserved. 

WOW what a day, can Rafe repeat the same for tomorrow…

Race 4 – Quick out of the gates, however another rider nearly sideswiped Rafe, causing Rafe to slow and also move over, he was towards the back of the pack, when several fallen riders in the first corner caused a hold up. Rafe just about managed to stay on the bike, but was almost dead last. He spent the race moving up through the pack, with some excellent riding, smooth, fast and controlled. He crossed the line 7th in the combined and 2nd in the SW. WOW Rafe, that was an impressive ride.

Race 5 – Not wanting to be held up again, Rafe had a text book start, not quite a holeshot, but holeshots, don’t win races. He settled into the race and led the SW from the start, leading a race does not phase Rafe, it doesn’t put him under any unnecessary stress. He knows what it takes to hold P1 and bring it home. The second place rider was on his tail for the race, but was just not fast enough to get past. Rafe crossed the line in 1st place for SW and 3rd in the combined.

Race 6 – Final Race of the weekend. Rafe was pumped for the last race, he had plenty left in the tank and knew what to do to bring home the win! Cracking start, Rafe settled into the race well and was in the zone, he rode his own race and pulled away from second place by 7 seconds. He flowed with ease into every corner and rode a faultless smooth ride, crossing the line in 1st place for the SW and 4th in the combined.  

Fantastic weekend Rafe, good pace, intelligent riding and bags of talent and energy. 

Thank you for the NORA CRS Team and sponsors for their support this year, Rafe has certainly excelled with their help and guidance. 

Speedy recovery to fellow NORA CRS Team rider Jesse James who had a nasty crash at the weekend. He’s made of strong stuff that one, so will be back at it soon, we are sure.
